Other Writing
Featured Selections by Lara Santoro
Foreign Policy Journal, Newsweek International, Recovery Journey, The Wall Street Journal
“Santoro’s experience as a journalist is evident in her straightforward prose.”
— Booklist, Leah Strauss
Terror as Method
Intimidated for exposing the dark secrets of an African regime out of control, Canadian journalist Judi Rever drew the line at having the life of her own children threatened.
A Journalist’s Search for Truth in Rwanda
Foreign Policy Journal: https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2015/09/25/terror-as-method-a-journalists-search-for-truth-in-rwanda/
President of Rwanda Paul Kagame at the World Economic Forum in Cape Town, South Africa, June 11, 2009 (Matthew Jordaan/WEF) Photo used to represent original article.