Other Writing
Featured Selections by Lara Santoro
Foreign Policy Journal, Newsweek International, Recovery Journey, The Wall Street Journal
“Santoro’s experience as a journalist is evident in her straightforward prose.”
— Booklist, Leah Strauss
Courtney Allen
Courtney Allen remembers the first time she saw the color green. She was 22 years old, a mother of two, and just a few months in recovery. She turned towards one of her oldest friends and said, “Have the trees always been this green?”
Recovery Journey: https://www.recovery-journey.com/courtney-allen/
Brant Dadaleares
Brant Dadaleares doesn’t ask people he hires if they have a problem with alcohol and drugs. The owner of Gross Confection Bar in Portland’s Old Port offers a very specific piece of advice instead. “Don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes because I’ve done it all,” he says.
Recovery Journey: https://www.recovery-journey.com/people-like-us-brant-dadaleares/
Having had enough, women go straight to the top for help
Maine’s Director of Opioid Response steps in to help get a recovery community center for Millinocket.
Glenn Simpson
By the time Glenn Simpson awoke in a psych ward in Pennsylvania to a nurse putting an IV in his arm, he had lost track of a few fundamentals. He didn’t know what day of the week it was, what had happened to his clothes or how he’d covered the 2,439 miles from the Los Angeles airport, where he last remembered being.
Recovery Journey: https://www.recovery-journey.com/people-like-us-glenn-simpson/
Melissa Rivera
When Melissa Rivera quit drinking, she figured a line or two of cocaine every now and then wouldn’t hurt.
Recovery Journey: https://www.recovery-journey.com/people-like-us-melissa-rivera/
Jennie Joan Ferrare
Jennie Joan Ferrare was on her way to a blackout when a most unusual thing happened: she saw herself drink, as if duplicated by magic, and understood with absolute certainty what would happen next.
Recovery Journey: https://www.recovery-journey.com/jennie/
Terror as Method
Intimidated for exposing the dark secrets of an African regime out of control, Canadian journalist Judi Rever drew the line at having the life of her own children threatened.
A Journalist’s Search for Truth in Rwanda
Foreign Policy Journal: https://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2015/09/25/terror-as-method-a-journalists-search-for-truth-in-rwanda/
President of Rwanda Paul Kagame at the World Economic Forum in Cape Town, South Africa, June 11, 2009 (Matthew Jordaan/WEF) Photo used to represent original article.
Priestess of Death
Shortly after dawn on Friday, March 17, Credonia Mwerinde flagged down a bus leaving her village for the Ugandan capital, Kampala. Boarding the vehicle, she walked slowly down the aisle, closely studying the face of each passenger. They didn't know it, but Mwerinde, 52, had begun the biggest cult murder in modern history, say Ugandan police.
Newsweek International: https://www.questia.com/magazine/1G1-64076540/priestess-of-death
The Strange Saga Of Erich Priebke
ROME--Fifty-three years ago, just as World War II was drawing to a close, 335 Italians were rounded up and shot during a Nazi reprisal to a bombing that left 33 SS officers dead. The victims--among them 75 Jews plucked from jail at the last minute--were forced into a kneeling position and shot with one bullet in the back of the head, their bodies rolled into natural caves on the outskirts of Rome, the Fosse Ardeatine.
The Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB861922979369448000